[Development] Harmonizing the Qt 5.x Documentation
Pasion Jerome
Jerome.Pasion at digia.com
Wed Mar 12 10:37:49 CET 2014
Hello all,
Some comments:
0) We're trying to promote the latest documentation, which contains the latest fixes. 5.3 documentation is by-and-large much better than the 5.0 or 5.1 documentation. Whichever minor version of Qt 5 you use is entirely up to you.
1) The 5.0 and 5.1 documentation are already in the archives:
The links to them will be published soon (around the time the redirects will be in place) here: http://doc.qt.digia.com/archives/index.html
2) I've been looking into the Google search in Qt Project and applied filters that are more representative of our site structure. As far as I can tell, it is possible to add two domains in the search results (archive and Qt Project). It has gotten better, but this harmonization should help the latest documentation gain more visibility. The filters are inclusive rather than exclusive, though.
3)The API _should_ be documented with the proper markup as others have already pointed out. Admittedly, the markups are not applied consistently enough, but that discussion is for another day...
We do have writing guidelines: http://qt-project.org/wiki/QtWritingGuidelines
4)I can't commit or promise anything with regards to the site in the near or not-so-near future because we are gathering ideas at the moment: http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/38227/ Please have a look and post your comments there.
Jerome P.
Documentation Engineer - Digia, Qt
Fra: development-bounces+jerome.pasion=digia.com at qt-project.org [development-bounces+jerome.pasion=digia.com at qt-project.org] på vegne av Shaw Andy [Andy.Shaw at digia.com]
Sendt: 11. mars 2014 17:33
To: Thiago Macieira; development at qt-project.org
Emne: Re: [Development] Harmonizing the Qt 5.x Documentation
> Em ter 11 mar 2014, às 17:17:46, Andre Somers escreveu:
> > I seriously don't see the benefit of this "harmonization". When I look
> > at the docs for a class, I often just look for method names that seem to
> > do what I need. That usually works very with Qt. Now, I will need to go
> > check for every method if it actually exists in the version of Qt I'm
> > on, by looking for a "since" tag. How is that helping me to become more
> > productive?
> If you want to be productive with the exact docs for the version you're using
> and full, indexed text search, you should use Qt Assistant or the integrated
> Help in Qt Creator.
And as Jerome pointed out, the Qt 5.0 and 5.1 docs will be on doc.qt.digia.com too so they won't be completely gone from the web. I am all for the idea and I am having to look up the older documentation for various reasons all the time.
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