[Development] Adding new third party component three.js to Qt?

Makkonen Sami sami.makkonen at theqtcompany.com
Fri Jan 9 09:39:01 CET 2015

> -----Original Message-----
> From: development-bounces+sami.makkonen=theqtcompany.com at qt-
> project.org [mailto:development-
> bounces+sami.makkonen=theqtcompany.com at qt-project.org] On Behalf Of
> Keränen Pasi
> Sent: 7. tammikuuta 2015 8:03
> To: development at qt-project.org
> Subject: [Development] Adding new third party component three.js to Qt?
> Hi,
> I¹d like to open the discussion on including the three library as part of
> Qt 5.6 and onwards. Mainly because this would give our users a better
> experience if we¹d bundle the right, tested version of Three.js together
> with the Qt version it was tested on.
> I¹ve been pushing the Qt Canvas3D component onwards and timewise it should
> be landing to Qt 5.5 release. The WebGL-like API (non-conformance tested)
> it offers is very low level and most users will not like to work on that
> level. To that end I¹ve ported the WebGL based Three.js scenegraph library
> available at http://threejs.org on top of Canvas3D. You can find the
> latest version from master branch at https://github.com/tronlec/three.js
> The reason for picking this particular library over others are:
> * It¹s one of the most active WebGL scene graph projects out there.
> * It¹s well done, with examples, API documentation etc.
> * It has excellent support form community in the form of tutorials,
> websites, discussion forums etc.
> * It is available under permissive MIT license:
> https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/LICENSE
> In Qt 5.5 we¹ll include a few examples that will have this library as part
> of the examples.
> The library will for now at least need some porting effort to make it run
> on top of Canvas3D as there are some HTML depencencies that need to be
> handled, plus V4VM has a few quirks that need to be accounted for.
> Hopefully some of the V4VM quirks are bugs and will be fixed in due time,
> but the HTML dependencies do remain. And my current experience with
> graphics APIs is that you want to test the whole stack together. If we
> e.g. add support for new extensions in Canvas3D, that can activate new
> codepaths in Three.js that again need testing and possibly new Qt specific
> delta must be added to the three.js for those parts.
> Comments? Thoughts?

Please remember to update the licensing documentation (http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/licensing.html) to include the three.js. Also as a side note links to Canvas 3D should be also added to appropriate places e.g. Graphics topic (http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/topics-graphics.html#opengl-and-3d). 


> Regards,
> Pasi Keränen
> Software Specialist
> The Qt Company
> http://www.qt.io
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