[Development] [QtCS] QtRemoteObjects Session Summary
Alan Alpert
416365416c at gmail.com
Tue Jun 9 22:23:29 CEST 2015
There was late-scheduled session on QtRemoteObjects at QtCS on
Saturday. QtRemoteObjects is a playground module for object remoting
of QObjects, and can be found at
http://code.qt.io/cgit/playground/qtremoteobjects.git/ .
A brief overview of the existing features:
-Exports QObjects remotely, creates a replicant on the client side you
can interface with
-Network nodes can serve as a registry to allow lookup by name.
-Transport Layer Adapters
-Bjoern is currently working on exporting of QAbstractItemModels
A brief overview of planned features:
-Protocol Layer Adapters
-Investigate merge with QWebChannel (sounds similar, of course no-one
working on QWebChannel was present to confirm).
After it is established with those features and solid quality, it
could be considered to promote it to an add-on module.
The idea with protocol adapters is that currently it only sends
QDataStream output over the wire. I want to send more accessible
JSON-RPC (like) data over the wire for working with node, and Attila
had a demo of getting object data from Meteor (although that was
custom hacked for demo purposes). Protocol adapters will allow you to
serialize it in these other forms, and that is the mechanism by which
we gain compatibility with other languages/frameworks without them
needing explicit QRO support - We'll talk their language if there
exists compatible semantics. They'll probably remain separate from the
transport adapters, but we'll see how the implementation develops.
I'll start looking into the implementation this month.
The question was raised "How is this not CORBA?". I'm not that
familiar with CORBA (just read the wikipedia article today), but my
suspicion is that we've cut out a lot of the boiler-plate by
leveraging existing Qt Meta-object information. We have a base case
where we aren't a generic "anything to anything" layer. We have a very
specific "Qt to Qt" layer which is far easier to use, and it can be
extended to be "Anything to Anything" but you'll probably end up doing
as much or more work as CORBA if Qt isn't on either side (side note:
I'm expecting "Qt to JS/JSON" to be another simplified case by
comparison). The convenience of just being able to hook up objects
remotely in QML - without having to write an extra IDL beforehand (it
comes from moc data) - seems transformative. We may even be able to
write a CORBA protocol adapter that would allow it to interoperate
with CORBA on the other side, although it would probably be a lot of
work that no-one wants and would have worse performance.
I was prototyping my own remote objects in QML until I talked to KDAB
at QtCS - my implementation is nascent and will be silently discarded
in favor of contributing to QtRemoteObjects. But to start the QML API
draft, here's what I had in my separate implementation:
QtObject {
id: testCase
property int test: 1
RemotingServer {
id: server
target: testCase //This object will be remoted
//Note that URL scheme (http here) selects
transport/protocol adapter
url: "http://localhost:3071/" //This is the location it is served at
onRunningChanged: console.log("Server running on " + url);
//running property is true iff successfully remoted
RemotingClient {
id: client
url: server.url //This is the location of the remote instance
property int test: 99 //This is a property on the remote
instance we want to listen to. Until the remote connection is made, it
will have a default value of 99
//See below description
objectName: "client"
promotable: true
//Note it's its own target when not promoted
The objectName and promotable properties combine to support a specific
use-case I was thinking of. If you expose a QObject from C++ to QML
it's usually exposed like
engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("app", appInstance). If you
use remoting to serve appInstance from another node, you can export
the remote object in the same place (just on the root context) and
leave the UI code unchanged. All you need is a shell around it that
looks like {RemotingClient{promotable:true} MyRealUI {}} when
launching it on the remote host. The way I implemented it so far it
actually checks that property in the root context first, so that you
can have a RemotingClient{} on the local version which just does
nothing and doesn't get in the way (the URL ended up being left unset
in my example, so it didn't even try to start network communications).
Sharing objectName with QObject is primarily a hack for convenience, I
don't like the "promotable" name so when someone thinks of a better
name we can use something like <betterName>Name.
Alan Alpert
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