[Development] Qt 5.5.0 build issue on OS X (10.9): OpenGL libraries

Sorvig Morten Morten.Sorvig at theqtcompany.com
Mon Sep 14 10:09:28 CEST 2015

> On 13 Sep 2015, at 00:55, Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira at intel.com> wrote:
> On Saturday 12 September 2015 18:16:54 René J. V. Bertin wrote:
>> Thiago Macieira wrote:
>>> Maybe we need two tests: one for OpenGL for XCB plugin (with GLX support)
>>> and one for OpenGL for the Cocoa plugin (AGL support).
>> I think that's what you get when using my approach:
> Not really. I guess I didn't express myself: I meant keep *both* tests, but 
> use two different variables for storing them: one for OpenGL-for-XCB and one 
> for OpenGL-for-Cocoa.
> In any case, is there any Apple system that *lacks* the OpenGL libraries? Why 
> do we need to test for it? Let the configure script detect the XCB one with 
> pkg-config and let the Cocoa plugin use -framework OpenGL -framework AGL, pure 
> and simple.

Then the question is: which ones should QtGui link against? On other words OpenGL usage is not confined to platform plugins only.

To me this points to Xcb or Cocoa being a configure-time choice.


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