[Development] Examples and Demos in qtdoc

Sze Howe Koh szehowe.koh at gmail.com
Wed Jun 14 17:54:23 CEST 2017

On 14 June 2017 at 19:18, Frederik Gladhorn <frederik.gladhorn at qt.io> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We recently had a discussion in the Qt Company about how we can improve the
> first use experience of Qt and one important aspect are the examples and demos.


> We have a lot of examples that are limited by the Qt module they live in, for
> example not making use of ready made buttons in Qt Quick. To allow examples to
> use any Qt module while keeping the build system clean (no cyclic dependencies
> between modules), I'd like to propose using the qtdoc module to gather fresh
> and beautiful examples.
> We currently have a few bigger examples already that would fit this category
> and plan to invest more into good looking nice and welcoming examples to give
> new Qt users a positive first impression.

Fresh and beautiful is good.

Does this initiative also involve cleaning up existing examples
(including removing them, where appropriate)? For example, the old
rendering at http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtquick-scenegraph-textureinsgnode-example.html
would detract from the nice and welcoming bits on display.

One reason to avoid a large-scale cleanup, though, is to avoid link rot.

> Of course we could create a new repo, but considering that we have an existing
> repo which did contain the demo launcher previously and which is ready to be
> used, I'd propse going with it, while the name is not perfect. It's already
> part of the infrastructure and qt5.git, so this seems like an easy way to go
> forward.

qtdoc.git currently houses a number of non-flashy but nonetheless
important examples and documents (e.g. signals and slots, platform
notes). Would it be better to keep a separate repo for wowing
newcomers (say, "qtshowcase.git")? Especially since there will be many
large files involved, as Sean mentioned.


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