[Development] automated bulk change closing old issues in the "Need more info" state

André Pönitz apoenitz at t-online.de
Mon Nov 19 19:52:49 CET 2018

On Mon, Nov 19, 2018 at 04:36:45PM +0000, Shawn Rutledge wrote:
> [...]
> I suspect the reason people don’t hit that button is that it’s at the
> top, whereas when you add a normal comment, you press the comment
> button at the bottom.  And if you are actually answering the question
> with your comment, you assume that’s enough,  right? 


Having to press that button is completely unintuitive for a reporter,
especially after one has been told to not overstep one's competences
by e.g. change priorities of bugs.
> So maybe that  button should be (repeated?) at the bottom left.
> But I doubt we can customize our Jira to that extent.

A possible solution would be some automated state transition off "Need
more info" once any comment had been added. At least that is a good
first approximation that is more often right than wrong. And maybe "Need
more info" should be used only when running into actual trouble when
reproducing a bug, not as first line of defense for any bug. One could
e.g. ask for more potentially useful but not exactly necessary info
without setting "Need more info".


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