[Development] codereview, merge please

Kari Oikarinen kari.oikarinen at qt.io
Thu Feb 21 08:17:26 CET 2019

On 21.2.2019 9.08, Martin Koller wrote:
> On Freitag, 15. Februar 2019 11:08:18 CET Andy Shaw wrote:
>> Since it has the +2 you can click on the "Merge patch 2 to staging" now, is that button showing up for you?
> So now I did merge it to staging, but I got a "Qt CI Bot" mail stating that
> "Continuous Integration: Failed"
> https://testresults.qt.io/coin/integration/qt/qtbase/tasks/1550613219
> I have no idea how a DBus test could be influenced by my commit.
> Should I just try to merge again or what is the correct procedure ?

Yes, if the failure is unrelated to your commit, just merge the patch to staging


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