[Development] GitHub Pull requests

Richard Weickelt richard at weickelt.de
Wed Mar 11 07:48:06 CET 2020

>> In an ideal world...
>> - Alice opens a pull request on GitHub.
>> - A bot sees the PR and opens a corresponding request on Gerrit.
>> - Bob comments on the Gerrit request.
>> - A bot sees Bob's comment and replicates it to the GitHub PR.
>> - Alice replies (on GitHub) to Bob's comment.
>> - A bot sees Alice's comment and replicates it to Gerrit.
>> ...and so on.
> Then Bob asks Alice to make a change in commit, and she has to make
> push -f in her branch. After that, review comments on GitHub are smashed,
> while remain perfectly readable in Gerrit, and Bob can see difference
> between patch versions while Alice cannot.

There is a github plugin for Gerrit that promises some form of integration:


It seems to be enabled on gerrithub:


    "GitHub pull requests
     Keep in touch with external users synchronizing
     pull requests with reviews."

    "Pull requests with Gerrit
     Fetch your GitHub pull requests and upload them
     in Gerrit for review. Enable a single point of
     validation of the Code Review workflow and keep
     your external contributors up-to-date on GitHub."

I haven't tried it though. Does it work? Maybe there is a project on
https://review.gerrithub.io/ where you can see github PR syncing in action.


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