[Development] Failed to run configure.bat in qt/qt5 repository on Windows?

Edward Welbourne edward.welbourne at qt.io
Mon Aug 14 11:50:28 CEST 2023

Haowei Hsu (13 August 2023 14:08) wrote:
> Recently, I tried to configure the qt/qt5<https://github.com/qt/qt5>
> repository. The following commands are what I use to configure the
> project according to its README.md:
>   1.  git clone --recursive https://github.com/qt/qt5.git
>   2.  chdir qt5
>   3.  git status
>   4.  git checkout v6.5.2
>   5.  git submodule update --recursive
>   6.  vcvarsall.bat x64
>   7.  configure.bat

These instructions do not appear in README.md; it contains, for example,
no mention of vcvarsall.bat and its instructions for updating quite
explicitly mention running init-repository.  See README.git for the
details of how to clone and set up an initial checkout of Qt.  Note that
it does not use --recursive to git clone; init-repository takes care of
the recursing into submodules.

> However, it turns out that there are some errors occurred.
> What do I miss? How to fix these errors?

Follow the actual instructions in README.git and README.md5 - and please
report any problems you have then, as those would imply we need to
update these files.

> NOTE: Currently, I just want to build Qt's Documentation instead of the
> whole Qt's artifacts.

That will involve building at least QDoc, hence at least QtCore, so
you'll get some artifacts, but indeed you won't need all.  After you run
configure, ninja -t targets will list all possible targets; search that
for ones containig "doc" and you should find one suitable.


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