[Development] C++20 comparisons @ Qt (was: Re: C++20 @ Qt)

Edward Welbourne edward.welbourne at qt.io
Tue Nov 14 11:54:51 CET 2023

Volker Hilsheimer (14 November 2023 10:00) wrote:
> Adding Qt::snake_case interims that are BC with std, with conversion
> from/to QPartialOrdering, is the right thing to do.

Perhaps namespace q20 would be a better place for them, given both the
naming (snake-case, to match stl) and the plan ?

Speaking of q20, I notice its files live in corelib/global/; it occurs
to me that perhaps corelib/compat/ might be more natural (mainly because
it's the first place I looked for them).  They are, after all, a piece
of compatibility machinery, albeit between Qt and C++ rather than
between Qt versions (as such - of course, the Qt versions' change of C++
standard does make them indirectly also between Qt versions).


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