[Interest] thanks for extra reading suggestions - sorry to insult technical writers

Graeme Gill graeme2 at argyllcms.com
Tue Apr 17 08:39:06 CEST 2012

Syam Krishnan wrote:

> So, the idea that writing software is more complex than designing an 
> electronic circuit is just based on lack of knowledge/experience on 
> electronics.

I don't think so. I'm an electronics engineer, who happens to do
a lot of programming. It's a truism that any human activity
tends to expands in complexity to the point that we can just barely
understand or deal with it.

So while there is a lot more detail in designing an analog circuit,
it will typically have many orders of magnitude fewer components than
a digital circuit or piece of software. The overall complexity ends up
about the same, because if you are slacking, someone else will eat your

Graeme Gill.

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