[Interest] Which MingW version do i need to have to use Qt5 RC2 on Windows 7?

Koehne Kai Kai.Koehne at digia.com
Tue Dec 18 14:13:29 CET 2012

> -----Original Message-----
> From: interest-bounces+kai.koehne=digia.com at qt-project.org
> [mailto:interest-bounces+kai.koehne=digia.com at qt-project.org] On Behalf
> Of Mark
> Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 1:22 PM
> To: Qt Interest
> Subject: [Interest] Which MingW version do i need to have to use Qt5 RC2 on
> Windows 7?
> Hi,
> I just downloaded the Qt5 RC2 package with it's massive size of 400+ MB. I
> was hoping it would have MingW bundled, but apparently that's not the
> case. Also there is no mention at all about MingW for 5.0 in the downloads
> section, something that should really be there imho.

Indeed, we'll fix that for the final.

> Does anyone know which MingW (link?) version  i need to have for Qt5
> RC2 on Windows 7 x64?

I'd recommend the one http://qt-project.org/wiki/MinGW-64-bit links to.

We were aiming for full MinGW support (including installers) for 5.0, but it seems we won't make it: There are some tricky webkit linking issues that needs to be sorted out (volunteers welcome!). 

Anyway, if you don't need qtwebkit you should be fine compiling it on your own, just delete / rename the qtwebkit, qtwebkit-examples-and-demos directories before running configure.



PS: Oh, and jom.exe works also with Mingw Makefiles, helps speeding up your build if you've more than one core :)

> Kind regards,
> Mark
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