[Interest] Qt Installer Framework

franki franki at franki.eu.org
Mon Jan 28 15:01:46 CET 2013


Can I join discussion?
I'm creating offline installer, I compiled  framework with static Qt 4.8.4  on 
Windows XP, with MSVC according to:
I have cloned installer framework on Friday last week.

I'm aware of syntax change with binarycreator.exe

Installer works as expected.
Problem is that the menu shortcut is not created under my windows XP (SP3)
I have 
<StartMenuDir>Cute App</StartMenuDir>
in config.xml
And question about this is asked during installation, but nothing happens.

I have tested my app and tutorial example, both of them does not create menu 
In Install log there is nothing more than:
"Found a binary data file, but we are the installer and we should read the 
binary resource from our very own binary!" - which was mentioned before.

Can someone give me a hint?

best regards

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