[Interest] Qwt and upgrading to Qt 5

Sergey Popov popov_sergey at ukr.net
Sun Mar 24 21:31:47 CET 2013

Hello Frank!

My ex-colleagues asked me to help port qt4.7/qwt5 based app to qt5/qwt6.1 and I faced some problems. Some of them not fully solved yet.
Some issues were connected with deprecated methods in qt 5 (like QString::toAscii) that I've used in my app, some issues were about missing (renamed?) slots in qwt objects. Also I found that copy constructor of QwtPlotCurve was removed for reasons unknown for me (but I believe there was strong reasons for removing it), and that required to create default curve and copy styles from existing curve to achieve effect I wanted.
All of these issues seems not to be really hard to resolve, but it's better to be ready to spend some time for successful migration to new version of these beautiful libraries.

Good luck!

with best regards,
Sergey P.

phone:  +380687507707
skype:  uazure
jabber: azure at jabber.com.ua

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