[Interest] Memory Leak in Qml TreeView ?

Damien Courtois damien.courtois at gmail.com
Wed Dec 2 12:00:58 CET 2015


I was profiling a section of my project which uses a Qml TreeView when I
noticed what seemed like a memory leak. So I created a small Qml
application to reproduce the problem, and there seem to indeed be a memory
leak in TreeView's.
The enclosed Qml file simply creates a TreeView, bind it to a
FolderListModel, and repetedly change the current folder from "C:\" to
"D:\" (I apologize to the Linux/Mac users in advance, feel free to replace
those 2 paths by some valid ones ^^)

Here is a screenshot of the resources used by the application run through


Also note that when using complex delegates (which my case in my original
implementation) the problem is far worse.

So, is it something that I'm doing wrong ? Can anyone test this simple
application on other platforms to check if the same thing happen ?
Any help appreciated, thank in advance !!
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import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import Qt.labs.folderlistmodel 2.1

Window {
	id: root

	visible: true

	width: 500
	height: 500

	Timer {
		id: timer
		interval: 0
		onTriggered: {
			fileSystemModel.folder = fileSystemModel.odd ? "file:///D:/" : "file:///C:/";
			fileSystemModel.odd = !fileSystemModel.odd;

	Component.onCompleted: {

	FolderListModel {
		id: fileSystemModel
		property bool odd: false

	TreeView {
		anchors.fill: parent
		TableViewColumn {
			title: "Name"
			role: "fileName"
			width: 300
		model: fileSystemModel


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