[Interest] Web Docs more detailed than Creator's help?

Jason H jhihn at gmx.com
Fri Jul 3 22:07:39 CEST 2015

Creator's Help:
Qt 5.5 > Qt Quick Controls> QML Types > TextAreaStyle QML Type
Provides custom styling for TextArea. More...
import Statement:	 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
Since:	 Qt 5.2

Web Help:
Qt 5.5 > Qt Quick Controls> QML Types > TextAreaStyle QML Type
Provides custom styling for TextArea. More...
import Statement:	 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
Since:	 Qt 5.2
Inherits:	ScrollViewStyle <=============================

How can I get the Inherits in QtCreator help? Or is it just not in there?

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