[Interest] Qt licensing and using qmake for non-Qt projects

Guido Seifert wargand at gmx.de
Fri Mar 13 20:02:48 CET 2015

What compiler do you use? Do you ask the same questions when you compile your code with the gcc? Or visual studio?


> Hi,
> I tend to use QtCreator and qmake for all of my projects, even those that
> don't use Qt. Something I haven't really considered is how the usage of
> qmake might affect what I build with it from a licensing stand point.
> qmake uses mkspecs, and (possibly?) other files from the qt source tree. On
> certain platforms, additional tools like androiddeployqt might also be used.
> Could anyone clarify whether or not using qt build tools imposes any
> licensing requirements on the resulting binaries or packages? This is with
> the assumption that no other parts of the Qt library are being included, ie
> in a qmake project file:
> CONFIG-=qt
> or copied into the final package/binaries/etc.
> Preet

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