[Interest] Bluetooth for Linux

Shahzad Khan shahzad at gmail.com
Tue Oct 27 15:37:34 CET 2015

I am struggling with making bluetooth scanner demo work for linux. I have
installed BlueZ on my Ubuntu virtual machine via

sudo apt-get install libbluetooth-dev

But when I run the btscanner demo, the 'scan' button comes out disabled. I
don't get any warnings or errors but I can never scan.I have also tried the
following code in separate project but it doesn't find any bluetooth

void MyClass::startDeviceDiscovery(){

    // Create a discovery agent and connect to its signals
    QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent *discoveryAgent = new
    connect(discoveryAgent, SIGNAL(deviceDiscovered(QBluetoothDeviceInfo)),
            this, SLOT(deviceDiscovered(QBluetoothDeviceInfo)));

    // Start a discovery

// In your local slot, read information about the found devicesvoid
MyClass::deviceDiscovered(const QBluetoothDeviceInfo &device){
    qDebug() << "Found new device:" << device.name() << '(' <<
device.address().toString() << ')';}

My question is how can I make bluetooth work for linux? How do I wire up Qt
to use BlueZ? I hear about Qdbus as well but I don't know exactly how does
that fit in the picture since the demos don't seem to use it.

I am using Ubuntu 4.04 and BlueZ version 4.11 which I believe is supported
by Qt. I am new to linux world though.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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