[Interest] CLion to replace QtCreator?

Guenter Schwann guenterlists at schwann.at
Mon Apr 4 15:32:56 CEST 2016

On Monday, April 04, 2016 03:28:03 PM Emre Besirik wrote:
> * Search! (like spotlight search with just one shortcut key to open file
> or go to a particular location in your code):
> * search symbols
> * files in your project
> * search everywhere
> * you can lookout jetbrains IDEs for more examples

You mean Locator?

> * ONE key to kill all other views
> and leave code windows open only (like distraction free mode of
> intellij)

Set a shortcut for "CloseAllExceptVisible"?

> * go proactive, generate getters/setter and stuff like that.

Move the cursor to the member variable in the class and press Alt-Enter ...

> >> * have tons of more keyboard shortcuts (check out intellij)

There are a tons of shortcuts, and you can fully customize them.

> * have a better user friendly UI

I like the UI a lot.

> I’m sorry to say this but QtCreator is actually eons behind the current
> IDE trends and technology :( 

QtCreator works really well for me. I prefer it over VisualStudio. CLion looks nice. But I haven't seen a lot 
of features not available in QtCreator.

By the way it seems you missed quite some refactoring:


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