[Interest] QML id
Igor Mironchik
igor.mironchik at gmail.com
Mon Apr 11 12:44:45 CEST 2016
On 11.04.2016 13:19, Gian Maxera wrote:
>> On 11 Apr 2016, at 11:14, Igor Mironchik <igor.mironchik at gmail.com
>> <mailto:igor.mironchik at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> On 11.04.2016 12:57, Gian Maxera wrote:
>>> If the Text is inside the generated rectangle into the repeater you
>>> don’t need to generate different Ids, you can do that:
>>> Repeater {
>>> model: 10
>>> delegate: Rectangle {
>>> id: cellRect
>>> Text {
>>> anchor.horizontalCenter: cellRect.horizontalCenter
>>> }
>>> }
>>> }
>>> Even if the delegate has a fixed id and generated 10 times, QML will
>>> resolve correctly it.
>> I want to rewrite my QML with chess board with Repeater. And I want
>> to see the next:
>> <chess.png>
> I don’t know your current code, but If I would in your shoes, I will
> use a model representing where to put the chess items and a Grid to
> lay out the items. With Grid Item you can setup a global alignment of
> the items.
> I think it should work in your case.
> If you want more help, please share with us some snippet of code so I
> can understand what you need to achieve.
Model and Grid is fine. I can place chess and rects, fine. But how to
put letters and numbers?
Thank you.
>>> Ciao,
>>> Gianluca.
>>> }
>>>> On 11 Apr 2016, at 10:49, Igor Mironchik <igor.mironchik at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Look. I want to generate chess board - rectangles (8x8). And I want
>>>> to place numbers an letters on the sides. This numbers and letters
>>>> should be anchored to centers of rectangles. I.e. I want to have
>>>> something like:
>>>> Text {
>>>> anchor.horizontalCenter: cell00.horizontalCenter
>>>> }
>>>> ...
>>>> On 11.04.2016 12:40, Gian Maxera wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I don’t think so.
>>>>> Why do you need it ? Maybe we can suggest to you an alternative
>>>>> solution.
>>>>> Ciao,
>>>>> Gianluca.
>>>>>> On 11 Apr 2016, at 10:38, Igor Mironchik
>>>>>> <igor.mironchik at gmail.com <mailto:igor.mironchik at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> Is it possible to generate id of item in Repeater, for example?
>>>>>> Thank you.
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