[Interest] Qt Webkit on Linux Goes Blank When No Network Connection

Jason Kretzer Jason at gocodigo.com
Tue Aug 23 17:17:42 CEST 2016

Hello all,

I am back with another weird thing.

I am using Qt 5.5 on Ubuntu 16.04.  I am using the webkit widget to display some html in the application.  The html is being served from a local web server on port 8080.  The URL has a format like this:  http://localhost:8080/SomeDirectory/index.html.  As a side note, I have also tried   The web server is lighttpd.

What happens is this:

 1.  Lighttpd is running
 2.  Network cable is plugged in and network is properly configured
 3.  I open the webkit widget and see the html display properly
 4.  Network cable is un-plugged
 5.  I open the webkit widget and see a blank screen with nothing in it
 6.  I try it with very basic html — a <html><body><h1>Hello World</h1></body></html> and it is still blank
 7.  I try it with a browser going to the same files and they all work
 8.  I tried it running the webkit widget from inside of qtcreator and same result — blank
 9.  To test that I was not doing something wrong with my widget, I tested it with the FancyBrowser example that is with qtcreator and got the same results — blank.
 10. I plug the network cable back in and it all works again

No errors are thrown that I can see.

Any ideas?



   Jason R. Kretzer
   Lead Application Developer
   Jason at gocodigo.com<mailto:Jason at gocodigo.com>

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