[Interest] QUndoStack

Mike Jackson imikejackson at gmail.com
Fri Jun 17 18:18:03 CEST 2016

We are using the QUndoStack and when we "push()" onto the stack the 
actual QUndoCommand is being executed. In the documentation is seems as 
though I could set the "id" of the QUndoCommand to -1 and NOT have it 
executed but after looking more close at the docs and the actual source 
code the QUndoCommand will definitely be executed when pushed onto the 
stack. This behavior does not make sense to me and I am probably missing 
something simple about how to use the QUndoStack. Could someone offer an 
explanation of why my command gets executed? And also how do I get my 
undocommand on the stack **without** executing the command?


Michael A. Jackson
BlueQuartz Software, LLC
[e]: mike.jackson at bluequartz.net

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