[Interest] Faster Qt app build
Nuno Santos
nunosantos at imaginando.pt
Fri Oct 21 22:03:12 CEST 2016
For Mac/iOS applications Qt uses clang (sorry for the misunderstanding)
For Android build Qt uses GCC
My main dev machine is a Macbook 13 Retina i5 2.5 dual core with a stock SSD drive
The Windows machine I refer has a i5 2.5 quad-core with a Samsung 840 PRO SSD drive
I bought the 840 PRO because it is known for it’s incredible performance.
Compiling the exact same program on the windows machine is at least twice fast as on the mac machine. MSVC vs CLANG.
Do you guys think this is only due to the drive? Isn’t it taking advantage of the extra cores on Windows? Also, on mac, it doesn’t seem to be taking advantage of the multiple cores.
Question: passing -jX argument does anything or not?
> On 21 Oct 2016, at 19:06, Mike Jackson <imikejackson at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hmm,
> That does not seem correct? I have never seen a Windows build of anything go faster on Windows than on Linux or macOS give those are running on the exact same hardware.
> And when you state "GCC" builds are you using GCC from MacPorts, Homebrew or somewhere else? because Apple has not shipped GCC (at least a recent version) in a long time.
> --
> Mike Jackson [mike.jackson at bluequartz.net]
> Nuno Santos wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Windows, building a Qt app is blazing fast. It seems that jom takes the cpu cores to it’s maximum power.
>> On Mac the GCC builds are really slow and passing the -jX argument doesn’t seem to make any difference. Is there a way to speed up builds? My projects have a lot of files now and compiling a build can take around 5 minutes on a i5 2.5 dual core CPU.
>> Any tips?
>> Thanks!
>> Regards,
>> Nuno Santos
>> Founder / CEO / CTO
>> www.imaginando.pt
>> +351 91 621 69 62
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