[Interest] Crash on exit of Canvas3d examples
Immanuel Weber
immanuel.weber at gmail.com
Wed Feb 8 10:59:15 CET 2017
Hi all,
I started to play arround with Canvas3d. For that I used the project wizzard of QtCreator. However the simple example that the wizzard creates crashes on my machine on exit of the application.
The debug trace hints likely at some dangling pointers in a QMap of the CanvasTextureImageFactory.
To find out what's wrong I tested the Canvas3d Planets example, which works fine.
I tested some other examples and most of the exit just fine, but the "Qt Quick item as a texture" also crashes with the same debug trace. Comparing the crashing ones with the non-crashing I think the difference is that in the crashing-ones no TextureImageFactory is present.
Most easily I could verify that in the framebuffer example, where commenting out the "Load the Qt logo as texture" part in initializeGL() results in a crash on exit.
I'm working on Windows7x64 with MSVC2015x64 and Qt5.8.0.
The debug trace looks as follows:
1 QMapNodeBase::nextNode qmap.cpp 58 0x6645a8f2
2 QMapNode::nextNode qmap.h 121 0x7fed45234a4
3 QMap::const_iterator::operator++ qmap.h 494 0x7fed4521886
4 qDeleteAll::const_iterator> qalgorithms.h 322 0x7fed4521017
5 qDeleteAll> qalgorithms.h 329 0x7fed4520f7c
6 QtCanvas3D::StaticFactoryMapDeleter::~StaticFactoryMapDeleter teximage3d.cpp 59 0x7fed4521605
7 QtCanvas3D::`dynamic atexit destructor for 'staticFactoryMapDeleter'' qtcanvas3dd 0x7fed455a4f0
8 ::operator() onexit.cpp 206 0x7fed437a9c7
9 __crt_seh_guarded_call::operator(), & __ptr64,> internal_shared.h 204 0x7fed437a395
10 __acrt_lock_and_call> corecrt_internal.h 912 0x7fed437a4ca
11 _execute_onexit_table onexit.cpp 231 0x7fed437ab71
12 __scrt_dllmain_uninitialize_c utility.cpp 397 0x7fed4552fc9
13 dllmain_crt_process_detach dll_dllmain.cpp 109 0x7fed4554494
14 dllmain_crt_dispatch dll_dllmain.cpp 134 0x7fed4554267
15 dllmain_dispatch dll_dllmain.cpp 217 0x7fed455461e
16 _DllMainCRTStartup dll_dllmain.cpp 259 0x7fed4554791
17 LdrShutdownProcess ntdll 0x76e82ac1
18 RtlExitUserProcess ntdll 0x76e828d0
19 exit_or_terminate_process exit.cpp 130 0x7fed4379efa
20 common_exit exit.cpp 267 0x7fed4379ea9
Am I doing something wrong or is that a bug?
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