[Interest] Optimizing performance with hundreds of widgets
Viktor Engelmann
viktor.engelmann at qt.io
Tue Feb 21 14:39:39 CET 2017
Am 15.02.2017 um 18:28 schrieb Gibbs, Matt:
> Hi All,
> I’m working on a Qt-based project to display rapidly updating information from a control system. I want to display hundreds of signals, each updating at about 10 Hz. As a performance test, I’ve thrown 500 Labels in a grid layout, and fire a timer every 100 ms which calls setText on each label. This ends up being surprisingly CPU-intensive: on reasonably modern hardware (2012 MacBook Pro), I use 70% of one CPU. This doesn’t leave me much overhead to do anything else.
> Are there any best practices to reduce CPU usage in this case?
> Cheers,
> —Matt
> Matt Gibbs
> SLAC Accelerator Operations Group
> mgibbs at slac.stanford.edu
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Viktor Engelmann
Software Engineer
The Qt Company GmbH
Rudower Chaussee 13
D-12489 Berlin
Viktor.Engelmann at qt.io
+49 151 26784521
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