[Interest] QML errors, only in debug mode!

mail at herrdiel.de mail at herrdiel.de
Sun Apr 8 02:19:39 CEST 2018


I am experiencing problems while debugging my QML-based app. All the 
following error messages do **not** appear when I just run (Ctrl+r), 
they only do so in debug mode (F5).

[Symptom A]

When the Program window comes to front, I get:

> onecore\com\combase\inc\comcataloghelpers.hpp(67)\combase.dll!746B8550: 
> (caller: 746B82E0) ReturnHr(1) tid(43f4) 80004002 Schnittstelle nicht 
> unterstützt
("No such interface supported") and
> mincore\com\oleaut32\dispatch\ups.cpp(2125)\OLEAUT32.dll!73CA234F: 
> (caller: 73CA1EF1) ReturnHr(1) tid(2b70) 8002801D Bibliothek nicht 
> registriert.
("Library not registered", same again for ReturnHr(2)).

[Symptom B]

Also, interestingly, I can not see svg images when debugging. Fine when 
just running.

[Symptom C]

Opening a FileDialog from QtQuick.Dialogs1.2 in debug mode, I get the 
loads of errors (again: works in run mode) - and afterwards many crashes 
that I cannot yet understand.

First is

> onecoreuap\shell\windows.storage\regfldr.cpp(1239)\windows.storage.dll!74A1A719: 
> (caller: 74A186F0) ReturnHr(1) tid(2b70) 80004001 Nicht implementiert

("Not implemented"), then several of these:

> onecoreuap\shell\windows.storage\kfapi\folderpathidlistcache.cpp(208)\windows.storage.dll!74A5B07C: 
> (caller: 74A5A36C) LogHr(1) tid(97c) 80070002 Das System kann die 
> angegebene Datei nicht finden.
("The system cannot find the file specified") After this, a specified 
drive can't be found (multiple times),

> onecoreuap\shell\lib\bindctx.cpp(128)\SHELL32.dll!757F0C37: (caller: 
> 757EB0F0) ReturnHr(1) tid(97c) 80070057 Falscher Parameter.
("Wrong parameter") and

> shell\comdlg32\fileopensave.cpp(14268)\comdlg32.dll!752CE4A3: (caller: 
> 752D97BC) ReturnHr(1) tid(97c) 80004005 Unbekannter Fehler
> CallContext:[\PickerModalLoop] 
> onecoreuap\shell\windows.storage\regfldr.cpp(1239)\windows.storage.dll!74A1A719: 
> (caller: 74A186F0) ReturnHr(29) tid(97c) 80004001 Nicht implementiert
("Unknown Error" and "Not implemented")

Are these symtoms related?

Is all this related to https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-63789?

Are there any solutions, workarounds or even ideas on how to get 
debugging to work properly again?

Best regards,



  * Qt 5.10.0 MinGW / 32bit Debug
  * Windows Version 10.0.16299 Build 16299, 64 bit
  * Qt Creator 4.2.1,
  * Three Monitors.

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