[Interest] Android Wear swipe to dismiss

maitai maitai at virtual-winds.org
Fri Jul 27 20:14:31 CEST 2018


I have an Android Wear app (qt 5.11.1, API 26, QML-based). When the app 
goes to background, it does not recover if that was initiated by a 
"swipe from left to right". It works only if the send to background was 
made by pressing the watch button. On an Android phone there is no 
problem. I do not have any gesture management in my app. When the user 
tries to recall the app, it only shows an empty screen.

I can see this in the console:

When the user swipes:
I vndksupport: sphal namespace is not configured for this process. 
Loading /vendor/lib/hw/gralloc.mt2601.so from the current namespace 
I chatty  : uid=10054(u0_a54) org.myorg.myApp identical 2 lines
I vndksupport: sphal namespace is not configured for this process. 
Loading /vendor/lib/hw/gralloc.mt2601.so from the current namespace 
W libEGL  : EGLNativeWindowType 0x982bf008 disconnect failed

and nothing when the user tries to wake up the app

To detect a "sent to background" I have overridden Activity::onPause() 
in Java.

Any idea? Should I report this?

Alternatively is there a good Qt way to forbid this gesture?


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