[Interest] How to publish a message in QML with Qtmqtt

Egg Nine eggn1n3 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 17 21:19:24 CEST 2018

Hi all,

I am trying to publish an mqtt message using Qt QML following this example:

However, this example only shows how to subscribe to topics while I want to
I tried to call "publish" from QML like can see in code below but nothing
is sent while console.log shows a -1.

Any thoughts what I am doing wrong? Or does someone has an example?
I can see in my broker log that a connection is made successfully.

    MqttClient {
        id: mqttclient
        port: 1883
        hostname: "localhost"

    Button {
        id: connect
        text: qsTr("Connect")
        onClicked: {

    Button {
        id: publish
         text: qsTr("publish")
        onClicked: {

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