[Interest] Could not parse QTDIR from project file.

william.crocker at analog.com william.crocker at analog.com
Wed Mar 21 22:14:25 CET 2018


For a while now I have been building on Windows
using the the Qt Visual Studio plug-in to import my .pro file.
Now, for some reason, I am getting this...
I have QTDIR set as an OS environment variable.
Does anyone know what might be wrong.

VS: 2015
Qt: 5.7.0



--- (Import): Generating new project of z.pro file
--- (qmake) : Using: C:\QT\QT5.7.0-III-64BIT\5.7\MSVC2015_64\bin\qmake
--- (qmake) : Working Directory: C:\Qt\WindowsBuild
--- (qmake) : Arguments: -tp vc "z.pro" -o "z.vcxproj" 
QMAKE_MOC=$(QTDIR)\bin\moc.exe QMAKE_QMAKE=$(QTDIR)\bin\qmake.exe
--- (qmake) : Exit Code: 0
Could not parse QTDIR from project file z.vcxproj.
--- (Import): Added z.vcxproj to Solution

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