[Interest] android:process

Filip Piechocki fpiechocki at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 11:46:48 CET 2018

"Android Services" page in Qt docs
(https://doc.qt.io/qt-5.11/androidservices.html) says:

> Make sure the service tag contains an android:process=":some_name" attribute. It is needed to force the service to run in a separate process than the activity.

and KDAB's tutorial on Android Services with Qt

> BE AWARE: Every single Qt service/activity MUST run in it’s own process! Therefore for each service you must set a different android:process attribute value.

But I could not find any information on why is that. My particular
use-case would be to actually put the service and activity (and
potentially even another app) in the very same android process. What
would be a result of this with Qt for Android?

Best Regards,

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