[Interest] Fwd: vs. Flutter
Sylvain Pointeau
sylvain.pointeau at gmail.com
Tue Feb 19 20:30:23 CET 2019
Qt is free on desktop, but it is not free on mobile, which is a real
showstopper for me and many others.
Le mar. 19 févr. 2019 à 20:12, ich <alex at golks.de> a écrit :
> Qt is free, too.
> Am February 19, 2019 7:04:03 PM UTC schrieb Sylvain Pointeau <
> sylvain.pointeau at gmail.com>:
>> I cannot get it copied in the email, but the code in the section get
>> started has no "new" but I agree with you that it is not "declarative"
>> The positive points about flutter is that it is free, and intellij (IDEA)
>> is so great.
>> However, it feels too young, and limited to mobile (some are saying that
>> the desktop is coming, but nothing concrete yet)
>> react native (via react xp) seems to be a better alternative for now.
>> Best regards,
>> Sylvain
>> Le mar. 19 févr. 2019 à 19:43, Jason H <jhihn at gmx.com> a écrit :
>>> It's still on the home page: https://flutter.io/ "Fast Development"
>>> I operate on the "read at least the first page" premise. That whatever
>>> they think is most important should be found there.
>>> But losing new doesn't really change my opinion of if it's declarative
>>> or not.
>>> Thanks for the update/correction though.
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, February 19, 2019 at 1:34 PM
>>> *From:* "Sylvain Pointeau" <sylvain.pointeau at gmail.com>
>>> *To:* "Qt Project" <interest at qt-project.org>
>>> *Subject:* [Interest] Fwd: vs. Flutter
>>> the "new" is now removed in dart 2.0 so you example is outdated.
>>> ---------- Message transféré ---------
>>> De : Jason H <jhihn at gmx.com>
>>> Date : mar. 19 févr. 2019 à 19:25
>>> Objet : Re: [Interest] vs. Flutter
>>> À : Bernhard B <schluchti at gmail.com>
>>> CC : <interest at lists.qt-project.org>
>>> I'm in your offtopic camp.
>>> Everything is going Declarative. I really hate that web devevlopment
>>> requires the use of HTML/CSS/JS (that's just client side) and some
>>> Framework of the Month. The JavaScript kiddies love inventing frameworks
>>> for fame and profit rather than picking one and making it better.
>>> Fragmentation is rampant. On top of that JS is slow to change, it just
>>> becomes a runtime that your flavor-of-the-month framework compiles down to,
>>> well until WebAssembly.
>>> Rene, I don't understand why you don't declare Flutter Declarative? From
>>> the Flutter home page:
>>> Widget build(BuildContext context) {
>>> return new Scaffold (
>>> appBar: new AppBar ( title: new Text (widget.title), ),
>>> body: new Center (
>>> child: new Text( "Button clicked" ...
>>> ),
>>> ),
>>> }
>>> Good luck typing 'new' and 'return' a lot. At least QML manages that for
>>> you. QML is the sleekest of all the declarative languages.
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, February 19, 2019 at 12:55 PM
>>> *From:* "Bernhard B" <schluchti at gmail.com>
>>> *To:* "Bob Hood" <bhood2 at comcast.net>
>>> *Cc:* "René Hansen" <renehh at gmail.com>, "Jason H" <jhihn at gmx.com>,
>>> interest at lists.qt-project.org
>>> *Subject:* Re: [Interest] vs. Flutter
>>> > I've been studying it for a while now, and I've decided that it will
>>> likely be
>>> my mobile development language. I love Qt to death for desktop, but I've
>>> never been able to take to it's declarative approach. I know others
>>> swear by
>>> it, but it just never fit my brain waves for some reason.
>>> <offtopic>
>>> I guess I am one of those persons, who absolutely LOVE Qt's declarative
>>> language.
>>> I like QML so much, that I even started looking for QML -> HTML/CSS
>>> translators. While I really like QML,
>>> I absolutely hate HTML and CSS (never got used to its quirks). I mean
>>> there are some attempts like
>>> qmlcore (https://github.com/pureqml/qmlcore), but I haven't tried those
>>> yet.
>>> </offtopic>
>>> Am Di., 19. Feb. 2019 um 18:47 Uhr schrieb Bob Hood <bhood2 at comcast.net
>>> >:
>>>> On 2/18/2019 7:40 AM, René Hansen wrote:
>>>> > I've not come across any myself, and have only built a few small
>>>> things with
>>>> > it a bit for now.
>>>> >
>>>> > Initial reactions was that it is *leagues* ahead of Qt with regards to
>>>> > developer experience. You're not locked to an IDE, like with
>>>> QtCreator, and
>>>> > the ui live updates across device, simulators, emulators etc. when
>>>> you write
>>>> > changes. No need to build and .apk and wait for a build+deploy.
>>>> >
>>>> > There's no JS involved. It's Dart all the way. It doesn't even ship
>>>> with a
>>>> > web runtime afaik.
>>>> I've been studying it for a while now, and I've decided that it will
>>>> likely be
>>>> my mobile development language. I love Qt to death for desktop, but
>>>> I've
>>>> never been able to take to it's declarative approach. I know others
>>>> swear by
>>>> it, but it just never fit my brain waves for some reason.
>>>> I saw somebody in this thread moan about it being yet another language
>>>> to
>>>> learn. Putting aside the fact that a robust developer should know more
>>>> than
>>>> one, Dart is quite familiar to anybody who has used a modern scripting
>>>> language (e.g., Python).
>>>> For me personally, Flutter's "feel" just fits mobile better in my mind
>>>> than Qt.
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