[Interest] Can't add PySide2

Tom Isaacson Tom.Isaacson at navico.com
Thu Sep 12 03:54:45 CEST 2019

> iirc you need to remove the quotes from "pyside2"

No difference.

> Are you certain that the virtualenv where your pipenv installed pyside2 is the same one from which your python interpreter comes from?


> Can you do a pip list or look inside the interpreters site-packages if you see the PySide2 directory?

pipenv shell
pip list
Package	Version
-----------	---------
PySide2		5.13.1

I tried removing the Pipfile.lock and deleting the cache but no luck. I ended up copying my code to a new directory and setting up from scratch and that seems to have fixed it, so must have been a Pipenv problem.


Tom Isaacson

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