[Interest] Glib vulnerability on QT 5.6.3 dependency

Ramakanth Kesireddy rama.kesi at gmail.com
Thu Jan 7 07:15:41 CET 2021


Am using Qt 5.6.3 widgets on embedded Linux through yocto recipes which
depends on libglib-2.0. The modules being used by our single threaded
application are core,gui,widgets and printsupport.

Our usecases incase of QT involve c++ widgets with stylesheet with
QStackedlayout and signals/slots and QTimers.

A vulnerability is found with the glib version 2.52.3 as

Is it recommended to upgrade the glib version to 2.8.3 or look for any
patch with the existing version or ignore the CVE?

Please let me know your feedback in this regard.

Thanks and Regards,
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