[Interest] Qt 6 Ubuntu package

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Thu Jan 28 07:56:21 CET 2021


On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 12:08:44PM +0530, Nibedit Dey wrote:
> I am looking for a way to install Qt6 without downloading the
> *qt-unified-linux-x86-4.0.1-online.run* file.
> Is there a Qt 6 Ubuntu package like the one for Qt 5? e.g.:- *sudo apt-get
> install qt5-default*

Ubuntu's packages are mostly inherited from Debian, where the Qt package
maintainers stepped down before the Qt 6 release because of a lack of


Also see:


Given that everyone there is focusing on the next Debian Stable
(Bullseye) which will ship Qt 5.15.2, I doubt there was work on Qt 6 so
far. Also note that pretty much nothing is ported to Qt 6 at this point,
because many modules are still missing in Qt 6.0 (and probably 6.1 too).

Thus, you'll probably have to use the online installer (or an
alternative such as aqtinstall).


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