[Interest] Qt 6 Ubuntu package
Roland Hughes
roland at logikalsolutions.com
Sat Jan 30 15:09:35 CET 2021
On 1/30/2021 5:00 AM, Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer wrote:
> On Thu, 28 Jan 2021 at 03:57, Florian Bruhin<me at the-compiler.org> wrote:
>> Hey,
>> On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 12:08:44PM +0530, Nibedit Dey wrote:
>>> I am looking for a way to install Qt6 without downloading the
>>> *qt-unified-linux-x86-4.0.1-online.run* file.
>>> Is there a Qt 6 Ubuntu package like the one for Qt 5? e.g.:- *sudo apt-get
>>> install qt5-default*
>> Ubuntu's packages are mostly inherited from Debian, where the Qt package
>> maintainers stepped down before the Qt 6 release because of a lack of
>> time:
>> https://perezmeyer.blogspot.com/2020/08/stepping-down-as-qt-6-maintainers.html
>> https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Debian-Needs-Qt6-Maintainers
>> Also see:
>> https://alioth-lists.debian.net/pipermail/pkg-kde-talk/2021-January/003236.html
>> Given that everyone there is focusing on the next Debian Stable
>> (Bullseye) which will ship Qt 5.15.2, I doubt there was work on Qt 6 so
>> far.
> I can also add that so far no one stepped up to do the job yet. I only
> got one request for information about it.
They won't.
If history repeats itself, and in the software industry it most
definitely does, requiring a login to obtain the OpenSource code
effectively ended OpenSource Qt. I'm sure others have their favorite
example, but I will use Berkeley DB for mine.
Visit the Oracle site for the package and you will see it is up to
version 12C. All you have to do is create an account to obtain it.
I just checked some machines in the office:
fedora 33: 5.3.28-44 /45
Manjaro KDE current: v5.3.28-4 /5
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS: v5.3.28
Due to historic reasons Gnu COBOL uses berkeley for its indexed file
support. They have instructions for building from source to use VBISAM,
but the entire project is hamstrung at berkeley 5.3 when it comes to
indexed files.
The businesses using Gnu COBOL assign a sacrificial lamb to get an
account and pull down the updated berkeley DB.
This same thing is now in the process of happening for Qt. Maintainers
and developers bowing out because they won't create an account.
KDE is now faced some hard cold reality.
1) Freezing the version of Qt used at the last 5.15 publicly available
within the majority of distros.
2) Being frozen at its current release by all distros because the last
publicly available 5.15 is all they have.
3) Completely take over the maintainer duties for _all_ Linux distros
4) Abandon Qt for a real OpenSource project that doesn't require an
account to pull down
5) Watch every distro drop KDE like Linux Mint has already done
Of these possibilities option 5 is most likely at this point in time.
That would be kind of sad because Manjaro actually did a good job with
their KDE implementation. Some odd bugs but a really good job overall.
Most Linux distro KDE options generally suck for a user, but Manjaro got
it right.
Every developer on this list maintaining an OpenSource package developed
with qt has basically the same choices in front of them. They can move
to a different package or watch things die a slow death.
As a general rule, maintainers won't create an account. They want to be
able to script the fetch and build; scheduling a batch job to run during
the wee hours. The last version of Qt that could be obtained in this way
will be as far as Qt goes in the world of Linux just like Berkeley DB is
perpetually trapped at v5.3.28.
Most of the companies and developers I communicate with have ceased
looking at Qt as a viable option because of this fact and all of the
licensing FUD.
According to that post MX Linux with Xfce desktop is now the most
popular Linux desktop.
The software world blinks and forgets.
Roland Hughes, President
Logikal Solutions
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