[PySide] My changes to get Pyside working on Linux

Rajesh freesoft12 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 4 20:54:55 CEST 2012


As per Yann Lanthony's advice, I went to  https://github.com/PySide/packaging 
(maintained by Roman Lacko) and used the build script (build.py) is inside the 
setuptools folder to install Pyside.

I am running CentOS linux and here are the changes I had to make:

1. build.py changes:
- Added the missing second %s in "lib/libpython%s%s.so" in

  py_library = os.path.join(py_prefix, "lib/libpython%s%s.so" % \
                         (py_version, dbgPostfix))

- Replaced 'https://' to 'git://' in
  giturl = "git://git.gitorious.org/pyside"

- Comment out call to 'make_package'. python reported an error saying
  the call to 'make_package' below was passing in 9 args instead of
  required 10. However, for Linux platform, the 'make_package' fn is
  not implemented in 'package_linux.py'. Hence I commented out the
  whole section of that code.

        # if options.build_module is None and options.package_version is not 
        #     make_package(options.package_version, script_dir, sources_dir, 
build_dir, install_dir, py_version,
        #         options.pack_examples, options.debug, qtinfo, logger)

2. I had to download and build my own Python (i just used v2.7.3), because 
PySide seems to need libpython2.7.so. Is this required?


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