[PySide] PySide Digest, Vol 15, Issue 31

Aaron Richiger a.richi at bluewin.ch
Mon Apr 15 08:25:12 CEST 2013

Am 15.04.2013 08:19, schrieb Aaron Richiger:
> Hello Matthew!
> This are the required steps to get a running colibri example (all 
> commands for Ubuntu or similar, you have to adapt them to your OS):
> 1) Install git on your system (we don't know your OS, but google will 
> tell you how...)
>     sudo apt-get install git
> 2) Clone Thomas Perls great qml-examples by executing the following on 
> your command line (this will create a new folder callled 
> pyside-qml-examples, colibri is already included in there (see folder 
> "colibri")):
>     git clone 
> git://gitorious.org/pyside-qml-examples/pyside-qml-examples.git
> 3) Change the current directory to this new directory:
>     cd pyside-qml-examples
> 4) Run your first colibri example:
>     python CarAnalogy.py
> To get info about git, this is the wrong place:)! Google will help you 
> more and there are plenty of good git tutorials out there.
> But you are on the right track: It's a versioning system which 
> basically means, that it allows you to keep track of different 
> versions of your software. If you push your git project to github or 
> other platforms, then it also acts as a backup and you can then share 
> your code from there with others (just like Thomas Perl did this with 
> his qml-examples). And finally, it allows collaboration of more than 
> one developer by supporting branching, merging and other functionality.
> To sum up: git (or hg or svn or others....) make our world a better 
> place and I think it's worth having a look at it for every developer, 
> you won't regret it!
> Cheers
> Aaron
> Am 14.04.2013 15:24, schrieb Matthew Ngaha:
>>> Hello Matthew!
>>> I never used the colibri qml components. But I can tell you, that
>>> QtCreator is an IDE for C++, Javascript, qml, etc. development. I never
>>> used it for PySide development. QtCreator does not come with PySide, 
>>> but
>>> it's simple to install (you'll find it with google...), but I think you
>>> don't need it at all.
>>> "Qt4.7 or higher" comes with PySide, so this is no problem.
>>> You can find a tutorial about colibri and PySide here:
>>> http://qt-project.org/wiki/Utilizing-Qt-Quick-Colibri-in-PySide
>>> You may also be interested in another set of qml components (I 
>>> think, it
>>> also has very nice components): qt-components, you can get it here:
>>> http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-components
>>> I hope, this helps, to get you started!
>>> Aaron
>> Thanks Aaron. following that pyside/colibri tutorial you gave me,
>> trying to run the file i get an import error:
>> colibri.qml:2:1: "colibri": no such directory
>>       import "colibri"
>> i went to their site and i cant seem to find any downloads to install
>> this package. i was at their installation page also:
>> https://projects.forum.nokia.com/colibri/wiki/InstallationAndUsage
>> https://projects.forum.nokia.com/colibri/wiki
>> but their is no link to download? is there an easier way to install
>> this project? ive been stuck at this point for some time now and i
>> would really like to try it out.
>> Im not good at understanding git, can u please tell me about the 2nd
>> link you showed me:
>> http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-components
>> are these like ongoing projects normal users are contributing to?
>> Thanks for all your help:)
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