[QBS] Depends and cpp.includePaths

Ruslan Nigmatullin EuroElessar at yandex.ru
Mon Aug 20 17:09:23 CEST 2012

17.08.2012, 16:07, "Ruslan Nigmatullin" <EuroElessar at yandex.ru>:

>   I've tried to implement this one and faced with issue that Artifact has to belong to some product (at least with current design, the only exclusion is file dependancies). So how should I make this artifacts a part of a Product? May be it's possible to create pseudo-artifacts (which would be something like symbolic links to real on). Or I should fix code to Artifacts be able to belong to several products or even to source module (and resolve products through modules dependancies)?

I've thought a bit more and understood that I totally misunderstand the idea. If we can set properties from product to modules - how ModuleSource's artifacts are generated? What if properties from different products are not the same? What's the logic of QBS-59?

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