[Qt-creator] Fixed Bug causing greyed "Add/Add New" in GenericProjectNodes for ProjectExplorer

Jet Dog jetdog330 at hotmail.com
Sun May 3 12:44:31 CEST 2009

Hello all: for qt-creator-devel
(Applies to Project Explorer)

(Has Patch)

I was working on vlc with qt-creator, just trying to get a hang of things, and this bug kept hammering me.

I submitted a Bug/Task but then got tired of waiting after only 30 minutes, and opened qt-creator's source with itself and fixed it myself :)
(the task was originally listed under "Right-Click Root Node in Project Explorer causes project to forget root node path?")

It seems that you were returning an empty Qlist of actions for the "Add New/Add Existing Files..." for  the GenericProjectManager's GenericProjectNodes.cpp, and the context menu handler for the Project Explorer was updating itself after the first call to 
updateContextMenuActions, which was checking if the returned QList had an action called "ProjectNode::AddFile" ... because the first time we right-click on a root node, the context menu isn't updated (since we assume defaults are fine), but by the second time we right-click to the rood node of a GenericProjectNode, because it returns no actions, gets its' "Add New.../Add Existing Files..." disabled.

I've never worked on qt-creator before in my life, but i must say, i thorougly enjoy the organization of your code :)

Hope this Helps!

Dave Andrews

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