[Qt-interest] Question regarding running multiple Qt applications within a single view.

simith nambiar simithn at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 6 14:07:14 CEST 2009

Hell All,
              Greetings, this is my first e-mail to the list. I'am a newbie to Qt, and would like 
to write an application using Qt. The following are the requirements,

1.) The application will have a mobile phone like interface (but for the desktop screen).
2.) should be able to run (Spawn) independent applications, in a single view.
     This means that, the Contact List is a different application from the SMS Inbox or the File  

3) should run on the desktop and should be portable to an embedded device with minimum 

Point 2 is what i'am concerned of, is it doable in Qt ? where i have a contact book application, 
E-mail application etc, which are seperate Qt applications, but need to run on the same view ?
They are seperate applications as we want to encourage 3rd parties to develop applications and do not want the applications to share a single address space and be constrained by each others I/O, or memory constraints. Something similar to what Android has achieved, where programs are run using a seperate virtual machine, so that if one of the programs crashes the other applications remain unaffected !

Please can someone guide me in achieving this ?

Thank you.

Best regards,
Simith Nambiar


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