[Qt-interest] QTabWidget as parent

Eric Clark eclark at ara.com
Wed Jun 17 20:58:12 CEST 2009

Hello All,

Can anyone explain to me why when I pass in QTabWIdget as the parent of my widgets that are in the QTabWidget, the parent is changed to the stacked widget within the QTabWidget? This is causing some major issues within my application. I try to serialize widgets recursively based on their child widgets, and all of the widgets that I have passed in the tab widget as their parent, are no longer children of the QTabWidget. I need to know the children of the QTabWidget, but there is no way for me to get a pointer to the QStackedWidget. Can anyone explain to me if there is a way to get the QStackedWidget, so that I can recurse through the QTabWidget's children?

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