[Qt-interest] Qt App works on in some versions of openSuse/Linux distros and not in others

Carlos de Sa desa.carlos at gmail.com
Mon Apr 12 08:42:07 CEST 2010

Hi folks,

I have a Qt application which is working (to some extent) in openSuse 10.3
with Qt 4.3.2. This is a native compilation for which the Qt library was
manually compiled i.e. not part of the std distro, with debugging support
enabled (all other options were default).

However when I compile the same program to opensuse 11.0 using the distro
supplied Qt v4.4.0 it compiles without any error but my app cannot seem to
display anything within the main widget even thought the UI window comes up.
When debugging it appears that paint event - repaint or update + tried
flush() and syncX() - cannot seems to display anything in the X11
framebuffer even thought they work without any error (I haven't debugged to
the core Qt level).

This same issue also appears at times for my suse 10.3/Qt 4.3.2 builds but
very inconsistently. However the same app compiles/runs on Windows XP/VS2008
with Qt 4.3.2 perfectly!

Is there any possible issue here between QT and X11/KDE? I thought at first
that this might be an issue with differences between Qt 4.3.2 and 4.4.0 but
can find anything in this regard in the documentation. Also the fact that it
mostly works in 10.3 seems to be some issue between X11/distro issues.  I
have seen some posts on Linux fb issues but none that point to anything
specific. Also suse 10.3 and 11.0 are not very different. The basic setup,
QTDIR, profile, etc was done on both distros.

Any pointers to such specific setup requirements between X11/KDE and QT ? or
perhaps any way of testing whether a Qt installation is working fine for a
particular Linux distro (like a test suite)?


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