[Qt-interest] You did it once! It was very good! Tell what has changed since the last year: Qt Learning suvey 2010. Use a chance to win an N900

vladimir.minenko at nokia.com vladimir.minenko at nokia.com
Thu Jul 1 16:54:41 CEST 2010


I've posed a call to participate in the first Qt Learning survey more than a year ago. It turned out to be quite popular! Thanks a lot! The prize of the drawing went to Brazil to a KDE developer. 

The 2009 survey brought a couple of results which we've implemented immediately. For example, selected topics for training session on Developer Days according most votes in the survey and changed the way we planned to do eLearning, etc.

People also responded that we should do this survey each year and they believe it help to improve the way of learning Qt.

Here you go! The Qt Learning Survey is open now: http://survey.confirmit.com/wix/p1295344451.aspx Note that some questions are the same as the last, since we would like to see the trends, but most questions are new!

Please take some time and tell us what you think! Additionally, you can enter a drawing to win a N900!


With best regards,

Vladimir Minenko, Ph.D.
Nokia, Qt Development Frameworks

Qt Learning - http://qt.nokia.com/developer/learning
Qt Certification - http://qt.nokia.com/certification
Watch the new learning videos - http://qt.nokia.com/developer/learning/online/training/modules

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