[Qt-interest] QML Questions/Feedback

Jason H scorp1us at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 8 22:24:03 CEST 2010

I am posting this to both interest and preview, since I don't know where to 
throw QML questions for the time being...

First, I love the new designer tool for it... My only disappointment is I can't 
figure out how to do animation in anything other than the text editor.

Next, QML itself (and the viewer for it) is quite impressive. It is doing a 
better job than I am at minimizing CPU usage.

Finally, I do have questions. Maybe you can point me into the right part of the 
documentation, or answer directly.

I want to basically have an application that has multiple independent QML 
"screens". But here's the kicker, I want them generated at run-time based on 
dynamic data. I can generate the text for the screens easily enough. But if a 
runtime condition of the system is met, I need to stop the current screen and 
put up a new one.

How can I do this?

1 Screen 1
2 Screen 2
3 Screen 3
4 Goto 1

Sometime later, an alert condition happens say, low coolant/fuel level. I want 
to interrupt screen2 and put up screen LowLevelAlert Once this alert is 
acknowledged or the level is fixed, I want it to return to the normal cycle.

I don't mind coding something in C++, or JS. But how could I do this?



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