[Qt-interest] remove signature from mailing list posts

Andre Somers andre at familiesomers.nl
Mon Jul 12 09:31:47 CEST 2010

On 10-7-2010 15:20, Constantin Makshin wrote:
> IMHO, you should try to configure your email client (if that's possible, of course). Different people/companies may use different ways of adding their signatures (any number of dashes, underscores, dots, etc.) and I think there's no reliable way to distinguish signatures from intentionally emphasized parts like code samples.
> By the way, I didn't remove your signature, my email client did that when I hit the "reply" button. So it depends on software you use. ;)
Doesn't that indicate that there *is* an at least sort-of-reliable way 
to remove signatures? If your email program is capable of doing that, 
then so should a piece of mailing list software, right? I was under the 
impression that two dashes followed by a space and a newline is at least 
the de-facto standard for the beginning of a signature (not sure about 
if it is a de-jure standard as well).

> On Saturday 10 July 2010 14:44:26 Gabriele Kahlout wrote:
>> At times I forget to delete my signature when posting. Apologies for that.
>> Why doesnt this mailing list crop content (remove text after --)? Bugzilla
>> supports that.
Anyway, I don't see why a mailing list should strip signatures. If you 
don't think a signature should appear in a mailinglist, then don't use 
it, at least not in messages for that list. Advanced mail clients can be 
configured with different signatures or message templates for different 
goals, so if your current client does not support features like that, 
upgrade to a client that does. Or simply get rid of that annoying, 
demanding signature of yours completely.


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