[Qt-interest] ksycoca...Trying to open ksycoca from...

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Wed Jul 21 21:33:48 CEST 2010

On 21.07.10 20:48:07, Guido Seifert wrote:
> Hi, I know this is not the kde mailing list. I tried to get infos about this bug on freenode/#kde, but without success.
> But maybe, maybe it really is a Qt problem.
> Whenever I start one on my Qt programs, pure Qt, not a single bit kde, I get the following message on stderr:
> ComicMaster(14718)/ KSycocaPrivate::openDatabase: Trying to open ksycoca from  "/var/tmp/kdecache-wargand/ksycoca4"
> Normally I'd say this is a kde problem. They are just noisy. However,
> I have been told messages like that on stderr can be disabled with
> kdebugdialog. Tried that, but without success. 

Can you check wether area 7011 is disabled? Also I've noticed that
sometimes kdebug (thats the api that prints such messages) prints out
messages in "Qt apps" that use KDE code (like unit-tests for kde-api).

> As I said, it superficially looks like a kde bug, however, when run in
> kde 4 Qt uses the kde fileselectorboxes by default. So I wonder what
> else might Qt use from kde? So could it really be a Qt bug?

Using whatever it can from the 'native' OS is not a bug in Qt, the
message should be hidden if you either build kdelibs in release mode or
if you disable it via kdebugdialog. Maybe try out the "full" mode of
kdebugdialog: kdebugdialog --fullmode and check there wether area 7011
is fully disabled.

> I am not quite sure what in my ComicMaster triggers this message, I
> have never seen it on one of my other apps. I suppose it has something
> to do with the database. I use sqlite and postgres.

Hmm, I'm not aware of kde installing any sql plugins, but even just
loading a KDE style could be triggering KDE code to be loaded into your
app and hence cause the message.


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