[Qt-interest] QT programmer : Interview + portfolio

Tim Dewhirst tim at bugless.co.uk
Mon Oct 18 10:14:15 CEST 2010


On 18/10/2010 08:59, Sarvesh Saran wrote:
> I will be attending my first QT interview since I began programming in
> QT back in 2007.
> I was wondering if it is a good idea to take snapshots of the User
> Interfaces that I have developed ( create a portfolio like a web
> designer might do) to show it to the interview panel?
> Would that help or will it simply raise more questions? I have attended
> C++ interview before and I’m quite comfortable with those..I have no
> idea what to expect from a QT interview though.

In my experience, an interview is an interview; if you're going for a Qt 
heavy role then expect lots of questions about Qt and how you've used it 
in the past.

Consider getting the Qt Certification to indicate you have a solid level 
of knowledge: http://qt.nokia.com/developer/learning/certification

Snapshots of user interfaces could be good as long as you can clearly 
explain how each was built, if there were any interesting or unusual 
aspects and how you tackled those. Even better would be allowing the 
portfolio examples to be downloaded so that the interviewers can try 
your software out.

Good luck!


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