[Releasing] Some testing results forQt-5.0-beta-offline-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1110

jason.mcdonald at nokia.com jason.mcdonald at nokia.com
Fri Jun 8 10:14:49 CEST 2012

> 1) Help -> About Plugins -> "Qt Designer couldn't find any plugins". On Win 7 it does list something.

This should go to Jira, if it hasn't already.  Probably only P3.

> 2) Help -> [Qt Designer Help, Current Widget Help, What's new in
> QtDesigner] -> all open the same page in Assistant, which is unrelated
> to the selected topic.

This is probably because the package is missing the html docs: https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-26059

> 3) Create Main Window form, Add menu item, try to add action to sub-menu
> -> Typing is broken. Pasting in works, typing with keyboard doesn't.

This should also go to Jira, but I'm not too sure about priority.  Might be worth trying a few of the example apps to see if this bug occurs outside Designer and/or trying Designer from a Qt 4.8 package to see if it is a regression.  Either of those would indicate a higher priority.

> Linguist:
> 1) Help -> "What's This?". Then select any item to trigger what's this
> popup. Next mouse click will trigger Segmentation fault (for example try
> to Help -> "What's This" again).

I saw that on Win7 also: https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-26079


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