[Development] Qt Contributors Summit: when and where

Quim Gil quim.gil at nokia.com
Fri Jan 13 17:09:50 CET 2012

On 01/11/2012 08:29 AM, ext Quim Gil wrote:
> The only days that seem to suit a majority in this semester are during
> the week of June 18th. We still need to look at the availability of
> venues in Berlin for those dates.

Daniel & those of you with _Berliner Fachwissen_ : can you help nailing 
down the candidates available for an event hosting 200 people in 3 or 
more rooms between June 21-23 (or earlier that week)? At this point we 
only need to know availability and quote for the space, usual room 
equipment and good wlan. All the rest are commodities that won't change 
from a venue to another.

In the meantime I'm putting my time and focus reaching to a critical 
mass of funding and attendance from the key Qt Project stakeholders.

> If it's not during these days then we hit the Summer holidays, and after
> that we start to be close (too?) to Dev Days. An alternative would be to
> combine both events (also good for optimizing costs).

If you don't want to see this happening then your help is welcome 
solving the equation for the event in June.  :)


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