[Development] Future of QBS

Jeandet Alexis alexis.jeandet at member.fsf.org
Wed Oct 18 08:46:34 CEST 2017

Le mardi 17 octobre 2017 à 17:45 +0200, Giuseppe D'Angelo a écrit :
> I'm just going to ignore the bikeshedding on implementation details,
> and 
> go back to the main point of the thread, which was right here:
> Il 13/10/2017 16:56, Sergio Martins ha scritto:
> > Please make something we can easily detach from the qt-project in
> > 10
> > years and have it's own ecosystem.
> > 
> > The qt-project isn't in the business of maintaining JavaScript
> > engines
> > or build systems, this model works now because TQC has manpower,
> > but if
> > something bad happens in 10 years, then it will be a maintenance
> > burden
> > and rot.
> > 
> > So IMHO, no updating QtScript with newer JavaScriptCore and no
> > adapting
> > the QML/V4 engine, go straight for pure JavaScriptCore/JerryScript
> > and
> > no linking to Qt.
> This means, amongst other things:
> * Get a proper website for qbs under qbs.io (the domain already
> exist, 
> but now it just redirects to the docs)
> * Host all the qbs-related resources there: mailing lists, 
> documentation, blogs, forums
> * For the end-user, remove all references to qbs as existing under
> the 
> Qt umbrella (for the developer _of_ qbs, then it's perhaps acceptable
> to 
> push patches to Qt's gerrit).
> I'm firmly convinced that doing all of this is even more important
> than 
> whatever rant you might have about using JavaScript or LUA or some
> other 
> programming language.
> (Small story: when I presented Qt Creator at CppCon last year,
> people's 
> reactions were always these two:
> 1) "Oh, wait, it's a general purpose IDE? It's not just for building
> Qt 
> applications?"
You are right, but what is misleading I think is that some visible
features are for Qt(designer, QML...), then I'm not sure that it is
possible to build anything without qmake(-> without any kit). The fact
that non Qt users have to deal with Qt kits is really painfull. Except
this point, YES Qtc is a really awesome C/C++ IDE, locator, completion
and refactoring make it superior to many other IDEs. 
> 2) "Where's the download link?"
> Needless to say, it's a marketing/political failure in both cases.)
> My 2 cents,
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